I Am Every Woman

Exhibition Dates
Artist / Curator

Rasa Romanova

Rasa has been passionate about art since childhood, and over the course of two decades she held numerous solo and joint exhibitions in many European countries, as well as in Kuwait.
Rasa says she has been called onto her creative path by her inner voice. Her paintings explore the sensuality of colors, the internal power, and the ability to unfold and blossom. The viewer is pulled out from daily life to a sensitive, complex, vibrant and somewhat philosophical world, and is offered a vast space for reflection.
I have always tried to capture the depth and versatility of female nature and emotions- from selfless love, mystical intuition to internal harmony and joy. In every woman, there lives a little girl, a powerful goddess, a graceful coquette, a loving mother and even a dignified huntress. My paintings are reflections of my own different states at various periods of my life, yet they are also expressions of every woman’s fluid transformation as she discovers and plays with the natural powers of her feminine essence.
“Painting for me is magical, with inspiration coming from nature, literature, music, feelings, and visions from my dreams.” – Rasa Romanova.

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